Recent Grant-Funded Projects
Fall 2023 Venture Grant Projects
- Jill Almoney, “Practicing is a Skill,” Central Manor Elementary 5th/6th Instrumental Music (strings) – Fees for a musician/author to visit classes to help students hone their strings practice skills
- Stacey Brinkman, “Keep the Math Momentum Going!” Central Manor 6th grade — Math games kits to supplement/replace existing materials.
- Matthew Kersic. “Seating for One and All,” Central Manor 6th – Five flex-space floor seats.
- Emily Mulhern, “Q Ball Project,” Central Manor 5th – Tossable wireless microphones for each classroom.
- Casie Saxton, “A Primary Trip to the Fulton,” Central Manor 1st to 3rd – Field trip to see Junie B. Jones at the Fulton Opera House.
- Laura Stephan, “Wipebooks in the Classroom,” Central Manor 3rd and 4th – Ten portable Wipebook flip charts for students to use in small-group learning.
- Jill Almoney, “Artist in Residence for Elementary Band,” Conestoga Elementary Music Department – Fees for a retired band director/teacher to serve as artist in residence for band students
- Caroline Demangone, “Operation Incubation,” Conestoga 3rd Grade – Two chicken incubators and other materials for classroom instruction.
- Heather Fellenbaum, “Lancaster Science Factory Outreach Lessons,” Conestoga (entire school) – Lancaster Science Factory visit to school to provide STEM-based lessons.
- Jennifer Fisher, “Building a Thinking Classroom,” Conestoga 4th – Standing desks, tables and ottomans.
- Jill Almoney, “Cellos for Elementary Students,” all elementary schools – Funds to purchase one quarter-size and one full-size cello.
- Patricia Detter, “Incubator Project,” Eshleman Elementary 2nd – Chicken incubator for teaching unit on animal habitats and life cycles.
- Lorena Glenn, “Ready, Set, Move! Ready, Set, Learn!” Eshleman kindergarten – Manipulatives to be used for kinesthetic activities during classes.
- Elizabeth Kaplan, “Birds of Prey,” Eshleman all grades – School assembly on birds of prey, including live bird demonstrations.
- Amy Adair “Second Grade Headphones,” Hambright 2nd – Set of 64 headphones for classroom use.
- Amy Bittenbender, “Vertical Learning Spaces in a 3rd-Grade Classroom,” Hambright 3rd –Portable dry erase board and materials.
- Lorien Gilbert, “Standing Desk Toppers for Wiggly Students,” Hambright 3rd – Five standing desk toppers.
- Bradley Showalter, “Weather Station at Hambright,” Hambright 4th Grade – Weather station to be used in updated science curriculum.
- Melissa Sigman, “Large Mouth Models for SLP Department,” Hambright Speech-Language Therapy – Mouth models to better instruct students on proper tongue placement.
- Rachel Suter, “Flexible Seating in First Grade,” Hambright 1st – Activity tables, ball chairs, lap desks and other alternative seating.
- Brandy Basile, “Mindful Movement Club,” High School 9-12 Counseling – Yoga mats, mindful games, and coloring and journaling supplies.
- Kyle Bulicz, “Penn Manor Wormery: Sustainable Vermicomposting,” High School Science Department – Worm composting system to utilize food waste from school cafeteria.
- Amanda Gagne, “Animal Management and Care,” High School Agriculture 9-12 – Materials and supplies to enable students to work on cats, dogs and other animals during Animal Science and Veterinary Science classes.
- Andrew Johnson, “A Big Generator,” High School 9-12 Music (Marching Unit) — Funding for a quiet power generator for use at band performances/competitions.
- Billie Kramer, “CPR Manikin Update,” High School 9, 11 and 12 – Replacement manikins, IED trainers and other equipment to be used for CPR training.
- Kyle Lainhoff, “Grocery Gift Cards for High School Life Skills Transition Program at PMHS” – Grocery store gift cards for students.
- Chris Meier, “Practice Questions for PMHS Quiz Bowl Team,” High School 9 to 12 – Funding for practice Quiz Bowl questions.
- Lori Orihuel, “If Only I Knew More: Let’s Explore!” High School 9-12 — Gifted/counseling field trips to York College, the University of Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valley College and guest speakers.
- Barney Peace, “Cardboard Regatta,” High School 9-12 science – Pool fees and supplies for Cardboard Regatta competition.
- Rachel Taylor, “Cooking in the Classroom,” High School Life Skills – Grocery store gift cards for Life Skills classes.
- Amy Wall, “Model UN NYC Trip,” High School 9 to 12 – Funding to offset cost of students attending National Model UN conference.
- Kaca Wee, “Vertical Learning,” High School 10 &11 Science Department – Four standing portable whiteboards.
- Sara Masten, “The Horn & String Hospital Continued,” 7-12 music program – Tools and materials to repair band and string instruments.
- Jon Bittenbender, “Gettysburg National Military Park Trip,” Manor Middle 8th Grade Social Studies – Field trip to Gettysburg.
- Jennifer Ennis, ”Food for Thought,” Manor Middle 7th and 8th – Funding for calculators, pencils, highlighters and snacks for “After Hours Support” program.
- Erik Polaski, “Chess Club,” Martic Elementary 6th – Chessboards to establish a Chess Club at Martic.
- Shawna Showalter, “Building Relationships Across Buildings,” Martic 4th – Busing for a field trip for Martic/Letort Pen Pal program.
- Kimberly Garvey, “Virtual Workshop for Gifted Students,” Marticville Middle, Conestoga and Eshleman – Spy Museum virtual workshops.
Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Venture Grant Projects
- Tonya Beck, “Marine Ecology Aquarium Trip,” high school 11-12 science – Field trip to Baltimore Aquarium for freshwater and marine ecology students.
- Kyra Berkheimer, “Letort Reads Poppy” Letort Elementary K-6 – Schoolwide project to read book Poppy, including an assembly, daily trivia questions and a “books and breakfast” event for Letort families.
- Karen Bierly, “Writers’ Cafe,” Manor Middle 7-8 English – After-school workshops for student writers and a Writers’ Café where they will present their work to peers and parents.
- Jon Bittenbender, “Gettysburg National Military Park,” Manor grade 8 – Field trip to Gettysburg.
- Lisa Bohannon, “Flexible Seating and Learning Spaces,” Martic Elementary grade 2 – Exercise balls, stools, balance chairs, modular seating and other alternative seating for classrooms.
- Josh Bressler, “Mini Projectile Launchers for Physics Class,” high school science – Purchase of 17 projectile launchers to demonstrate laws of motion and provide real-world demonstrations of physics equations.
- Karli Broomell, “Finding Joy in Math Through Logic and Games,” Central Manor grade 5 – Materials for a math station that includes basic fact games and logic puzzles.
- Lauren Ciemiewicz, “Choir Robe Update for Competitive Choir Students,” high school 9-12 music – Purchase of 25 choir robes and stoles to outfit students for choral festivals.
- Christa Craig, “The Twin Thieves,” High school 9-12 – Copies of book Twin Thieves to encourage the development of leadership qualities among entrepreneurship and gifted students.
- Jenna DeLong, “Geodes,” Central Manor grade 2 – Vocabulary cards and reading response worksheets for a pilot English language arts curriculum/small reading group.
- Kara Eshleman, “Surf Desks for 3E,” Pequea grade 3 – Set of surf desks to give students more seating options when completing assignments.
- Jennifer Fisher, “Enviroscapes for Environmental Science,” Conestoga grade 4 – Purchase of Enviroscapes models that mimic common land use areas to enhance the understanding of watersheds, pollution and environmental protection.
- Kimberly Garvey, “Seat System for Classroom,” Eshleman grade 3 – Purchase of stools, scoop seats and exercise balls to provide alternate seating options for students.
- Lorien Gilbert, “Mystery Science for All Grades,” Hambright K-6 – Subscription
- for Mystery Science teaching materials for the entire school.
- Laurie Harnish, “Slab Roller and Glaze,” Martic art room – Materials to enable students to build 3-D buildings and architectural models.
- Laurie Harnish, “Drying Rack for Art Room,” Letort art room – Drying rack for artwork for up to 100 students.
- Katherine Harnish, “Biology and Earth Science Manipulatives,” Hambright grade 4 – Fossil replicas, skulls, skeletal fragments and solar system models to enhance student learning in biology and earth sciences.
- Jeff Himes, “Video Project Update,” high school 9-12 – Two Canon XA10 video cameras to enable creating video content in 4D.
- Andrew Johnson, “All About That Bass,” high school music/band – Bass drum with heads and mallets.
- Scott Keddie, “Edible Classroom,” Conestoga K-6 –Edible Classroom gardening lessons for students.
- Carin Leisure, “Kindergarten STEM Bins,” Pequea kindergarten – Bins and materials, including Legos, popsicle craft sticks, gears, magnetic tiles, dominoes, pop beads and Play-Doh.
- Sara Masten, “The Horn and String Hospital,” 7-12 instrumental music – Kits including tools and materials to repair woodwind, brass and stringed instruments.
- Carly McPherson, “Van GO! Museum on Wheels,” K-6 – Mobile art gallery visits to Letort, Central Manor and Martic elementary schools.
- Carly McPherson, “Sensory Path for Elementary Students,” K-4 – Materials to create a rainforest trek sensory path in a hallway at Letort.
- Molly Miller, “Making Rapid Prototyping More Rapid,” high school 9-12 technology/engineering – Purchase of Lulzbot 3D printer to provide faster 3D printing of more designs.
- Jenna Moyer, “Lego Design Challenge STEM Unit,” applied engineering, grade 4 – Lego sets for applied engineering classes at Martic, Letort, Eshleman and Conestoga.
- Emily Mulhern, “Fifth Grade Flexible Seating,” Central Manor grade 5 – Flex-Space Comfy Floor Seats for classrooms.
- Nancy Nadig, “Jonathan Stutzman and Heather Fox Author/Illustrator Visit” – Author and illustrator will visit all seven elementary schools in four different grade-level presentations.
- Nancy Nadig, “Spanish Language Books,” Manor and Marticville – Spanish language books and graphic novels for school libraries.
- Melissa Ostrowski, “Creating a Welcoming Future Planning Center,” high school grades 9-12 – Utilize PMHS students in housing and interiors classes to design and revamp the interior of the future planning center.
- Melissa Ostrowski, “If You Can See It, You Can Be It,” high school 9-12 – Panel discussions with professionals in manufacturing, engineering, computer science, business and entrepreneurship, sports and fine arts, plus visits to four college campuses.
- Barney Peace, “Cardboard Boat Regatta,” high school 9-12 – Materials and fees for high school students to participate in boat-building competition.
- Katherine Rodriguez, “Spanish Classroom Library,” high school world language – Spanish-language books for lower-level foreign language students.
- Casie Saxton, “First Grade Zoo Trip,” Central Manor first grade – Field trip to ZooAmerica in Hershey.
- Lisa Suydam, “Central Manor Garden,” Central Manor K-12 – Edible Classroom lessons and materials for all students.
- Steven Tomaszfski, “Mirrored Bottle Lab with Silver Nitrate,” high school 9-12 – Materials for all chemistry students to complete this lab, which relates to property changes, chemical reactions and other topics.
- Johanna Treier, “Fulton Field Trip,” Central Manor grade 3 – Field trip to Fulton Opera House.
- Maria Vita, “Rodents: Will Work for Food!” high school 9-12 – Rodent operant chamber to train rats in psychology classes.
- Kaca Wee, “NGSS: Exploring Photosynthesis Measuring Dissolved Oxygen from Aquatic Plants,” high school grade 10 biology/science – Beakers, test tubes and stoppers for photosynthesis labs.
- Mary Wurzbach, “Vertical Engine Stands for Intro to Ag Mechanics,” high school ag department – Materials to enable students to build engine stands for ag mechanics classes.
Spring 2022 Venture Grant Projects
- Amy Adair, “Differentiated Classroom Seating,” Hambright Grade 2 – 15 yoga exercises balls to provide alternative seating options for students.
- Annaliese Berkenstock, “The Mediator of Mindfulness,” Hambright Emotional Support K-6 – Mindfulness and trauma-informed yoga sessions for emotional support staff.
- Maggie Cantrell, “Digital Photography,” High School 9-12 Art Department – Four Canon EOS DSLR cameras for use by art students.
- Alexis Carson,”Easels for Art Students,” High School 9-12 Art Department – Ten bamboo easels for use by art students.
- Danielle Croft, “Aevidum Expansion Outreach,” Marticville Middle School, all grades – Tuition fees to attend Aevidum Spark Conference on mental health and suicide prevention training.
- Kimberly Garvey, “Outdoor School Activities” Eshleman Grade 3 – Funding for field trip to Millersville Borough Park, including materials for catching, identifying and dissecting insects and plants.
- Lorien Gilbert, “Flexible Seating for Small Group Stations,” Hambright Grade 3 – Stools and cushions to provide alternative seating options for students.
- Michelle Henry, “Speech Therapy Speech Sounds Manipulatives,” K-12 – Speech sound boxes with manipulatives for use with students practicing articulation.
- Katherine Houck, “Translating Language Device,” Central Manor ESL – Pocketalk Language Translator device to assist families who are non-native English speakers.
- Scott Keddie, “Edible Classroom,” Conestoga K-6 – Fourteen Edible Classroom school gardening lessons for students.
- Kyle Lainhoff, “Life Skills Work Skill Boxes,” High School 9-12 – Storage boxes, baskets, clipboards, digital timers and other supplies to support Life Skills work tasks.
- Wendy Letavic, ”Family Fun Night,” Districtwide – Funding for Family Fun Night events to provide dinner, games, craft activities and information about social services for immigrant families.
- Sara Masten, “Middle School Percussion,” Grades 7-8 – Snare and boom stands, mallets, tambourines and other instruments/materials for the middle school music program.
- Melissa McMichael, “Advanced Appliances for Life Skills Classrooms,” High School 9-12 Special Education – Griddle, blender and air fryer to teach Life Skills students how to cook healthy foods.
- Nadine Smith, “Social and Emotional Learning,” High School 9-12 – Gift cards, thank-you cards and candy for a project to support social emotional learning at the high school.
- Jenny Steffy, “Kiln for Pequea,” all grades – Funds to purchase a kiln for use by art students.
- Laura Stephan, “Surf Seats,” Central Manor Grade 3 – Forty lap desks to provide alternative seating options for students.
- Rachel Taylor, “Preparing Healthy Meals,” High School 9-12 – Gift cards for groceries to teach Life Skills students how to shop for healthy foods.
- Johanna Treier, “Colors of the World,” Central Manor Grade 3 – Crayons and colored pencils that more accurately match skin tones of students.
- Mary Wittemann, “What’s Going on in My Body?” High School 9-12 Biology – Detailed scale models of head, torso and human eye for biology classes.
- Mary Wurzbach, “Longwood Gardens Field Trip,” High School 10-12 – Field trip for floriculture, plant science and landscape and design students, including a session on care, grooming and preparation of plants by a Longwood Gardens horticulturist.
Spring 2022 Strong & Healthy Grant Projects
Literacy Outreach ($1,500) – Free children’s books will be distributed in the Manor Heights, Brunswick Farms, Willow Run and Pheasant Ridge neighborhoods, in conjunction with the Lancaster Library’s Bookmobile. Children will be encouraged to apply for library cards on site.
CTC fee assistance ($5,000) – Financial assistance to purchase uniforms, tools and supplies and pay certification fees for CTC programs.
AP testing fee assistance ($3,500) – Financial assistance for AP exams for students in need.
Dual enrollment tuition assistance ($1,951) – Tuition fees for students in eight families to attend dual-enrollment classes at HACC, MU and Lancaster Bible College. This covers half the costs of tuition.
Teen Hope screening support ($7,000) – Funding supports Samaritan Counseling Center’s program to screen all 7th and 9th graders in district schools to identify those who may be struggling with mental health issues.
Fall 2021 Venture Grant Projects
Stacey Brinkman, Central Manor grade 6, “Room for One and All” – Flexible seating to enable students to engage in peer tutoring, study sessions and small group instruction.
Anthony Corrodo, HS 9-12 math, “TI CBR Motion Lab” – A set of CBR motion detection sensors to enable students to graph their movements for calculus and algebra classes.
Lauren Ciemiewicz, HS 9-12 music, “Choral Performance Adjudication” – Fees for music students to attend an adjudicated choral festival in Hershey in May.
Timothy Deubler, Martic & Letort music, “Classroom Set of Ukuleles” – Sets of 25 Ukuleles and tuners for music classes at Martic and Letort Elementary Schools.
Jenna Fisher, Pequea K-6 “Action Based Learning at Pequea” – Materials to create action-based learning activities throughout the hallways of the school.
Katie Harnish, Hambright Grade 4, “EnviroScapes for Environmental Science” – Two Enviroscape models will enhance students’ understanding of watersheds, pollution and environmental problems. Students can manipulate the model to see how development impacts waterways and how wetlands and buffers can mitigate the impact.
Jeffrey Heiney, Eshleman first grade, “Sensory Pathway” – Sensory pathway for the first- and second-grade hallway of Eshleman to provide a series of guided movements so students can work off energy and develop gross motor skills.
Dawn Janssen, Martic K-12 phys ed, “Soccer Goals” – Aluminum outdoor soccer goals and for physical education classes.
Andrew Johnson, HS 9-12 music, “Not Your Typical Gong Show” – A gong and stand to be used by the music department to replace current equipment that is no longer functional.
Elizabeth Kaplan, Eshleman 2nd grade, “Individualized Enrichment Activities” – Three-dimensional games to stimulate higher-level thinking and independence while providing enrichment for students.
Matthew Kersic, Central Manor grade 6, “Math, Sports, Games and More!” – Math Sports kits to teach such ratios, fractions, percentages, exponents, factors and other math concepts using sports-related games.
Jen Kroesen, K-2 all schools, “Readathon” – Materials to support activities during a Readathon for students in K-2 at all Penn Manor elementary schools.
Emily Lyons, HS PMVS, “Plant Propagation for Anxiety and Stress Management” – Grow lights, plant stands, pots, plants and other materials to establish a plant propagation program for students enrolled in Penn Manor Virtual School.
Brian Malek, Central Manor K-6, “Central Manor Garden Grant” – Funding for 24 classes by The Edible Garden on plant classification, nutritional value of vegetables, pest management vs. pesticides, pollination, host plants, vegetable families, life cycles, and parts of a plant. The grant also will fund garden supplies.
Sara Masten, grades 7-8 music/band, “Middle School Band Percussion” – “Snare drum, practice pad, wind chimes, cymbals, mallets and other percussion supplies for the middle school band program.
James McGlynn, 10-12 science, “Scientific Calculators Allow for Equity in Problem Solving” – Scientific calculators for students to use in science/chemistry classes.
Erika McLaughlin, Marticville grade 7, “STEM in the Science Classroom” – STEM kits, including Snap Circuits, K’Nex, Legos, motors, simple machines and currents to be used during classroom lessons and extension activities.
Molly Miller, 9-12 technology/engineering, “Aerodynamics in Engineering” – A wind tunnel to support the advanced study of aerodynamics, fluid dynamics and aeronautical engineering.
Elizabeth Muehlbach, Manor 8th grade reading, “ELA Connection Builder” – Board games, including Scrabble, Boggle, Word Teasers, Bananagrams, and Apples to Apples, for “Connection Game Days” to build students’ relationships with the teacher and their peers.
Danielle Rogers, Manor grades 7 & 8, “Comet Connections” – Materials to support “Comet Connections,” a club that helps students develop skills to be more self-aware, develop positive relationships, show empathy towards others, manage emotions, use self-control, resolve conflicts and make positive decisions. Materials may include journals, markers, snacks, stickers, yoga mats, and transportation for field trips.
Matt Schuck, Hambright emotional support students, “Multi-Sensory Environment” – Materials to establish a multi-sensory room designed to meet the sensory needs of students, including auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and visual needs to help students develop coping strategies.
Elizabeth Sheerer, HS 9-12, “Shaken Baby and Real Care Infant Simulators” – Purchase of a shaken baby simulator and a real care baby simulator for students in child development, FCS and health classes to use at home and in the classroom.
Bradley Showalter, Hambright grade 4, “Groundwater Simulation System” – Two groundwater simulation stations to help students understand how the movement of water impacts aquatic ecosystems.
Nadine Smith, HS 9-12, “Social and Emotional Learning” – Funding to purchase prizes for students who participate in competitions to encourage social emotional skills. Prizes could include gift cards, field trips or assemblies.
Jenny Steffy, Pequea grades 1-6, “Digital Cameras for Art Classes” – 14 cameras to enable teachers to incorporate photography into art classes and to take photos for the school yearbook.
Laura Stephan, Central Manor grade 3, “Playaways” – Purchase of Playaways, which enable students to read books while listening to them on an audiotapes to help evelop reading fluency and stimulate interest in reading.
Kathleen Struble, HS 9-12, “Teaching Our Smart Cookies to Make Smart Cookies” – Materials to enable science and FCS students to bake and decorate cookies in the shape of things students study in Biology and Anatomy and Physiology, including chloroplasts, animal cells with organelles and the heart.
Jennifer Sugra, Martic Pre-K to grade 4, “Sensory Walk for Children” – Sensory path for use by students to identify letters and numbers and calculate multiplication patterns to encourage active learning.
Mary Wittemann, HS grades 9-11, “Kinesthetic-Tactile Resource Kit for Biology” – Interactive, durable materials to aid the study of cell transport, genetics, enzymes, DNA and protein synthesis, including enzymes in action, phospholipid and membrane transport kits.
Read more here
2019-2020 Venture Grant Projects
Nearly $93,000 worth of classroom Venture Grants were awarded in fall 2019 to benefit Penn Manor teachers and students. Grants for the following teachers were approved:
- Amy Adair, “Flexible Seating,” alternative seating options – Hambright ES grade 2.
- Jill Almoney, “Artist/Author in Residence,” strings teacher and conductor Elizabeth Lavender – grades 5-6 music districtwide.
- Jill Almoney, “Vamoosh Music and Speaker,” music instruction system – grades 4, 5 and 6, districtwide.
- Mark Andrew, “Lego Education WeDo Kits” – Hambright and Central Manor grades 3 and 4.
- Carrie Aukamp, “Peter Pan Field Trip,” Fulton Opera House – Manor Middle School grade 7.
- Brittany Bauman, “Museum of the American Revolution Field Trip,” Philadelphia – Marticville Middle School grade 8.
- Christina Beard, “Social Skills Materials,” sensory items, games and social skills materials to be utilized by special education students at five elementary schools.
- Lisa Bitler, “Facility Dog Supplies” to support a therapy/facility dog at Marticville Middle School.
- Jon Bittenbender, “Gettysburg National Military Park Field Trip” – Manor Middle School grade 8.
- Rachel Bixler, “Sensory Materials Lending Library,” alternative seating and other sensory materials to be loaned, as needed, districtwide K-12.
- Stacey Brinkman, “For the Love of Learning,” math bingo and reading and writing skills materials — Central Manor grade 6.
- Lauren Ciemiewicz, “All That Jazz, Part 3” chorus and vocal jazz music and microphones – Penn Manor HS music classes.
- Megan Collins, “Scholastic News Magazine” subscriptions – Central Manor grade 3.
- Krista Cox, “Choose to Move Seating,” alternative seating for classrooms – Eshleman K-6.
- Christa Craig, “Books Every Business Professional Should Read,” for business department/school library – Penn Manor High School grades 9-12.
- Patty Detter, “Multicultural Literature in Our Classroom,” reading libraries – Eshleman Elementary, all grades.
- Joel Ernst, “Gel Electrophoresis and PCR Equipment” to study DNA – Penn Manor HS science classes.
- Kara Eshleman, “Traveling Science Show, Hot & Cold,” Franklin Institute traveling show on states of matter – Pequea Elementary.
- Neil Fellenbaum, “UAVs for Agriculture, Part 2,” infrared crop scouting camera for use with a drone in Penn Manor HS agricultural education classes.
- Heather Fellenbaum, “Classroom Library Update,” schoolwide silent reading books – Conestoga Elementary.
- Heather Fellenbaum, “Conestoga Book Room Update,” 100 new sets of books for differentiated instruction – Conestoga Elementary.
- Jennifer Fisher, “Flexible Seating for Sensory Needs,” alternative seating and sensory materials for learning support students – Conestoga Elementary.
- Jenna Fisher, “Sensory Walk” hallway stickers to assist in behavioral management and give students a physical activity – Pequea Elementary.
- Jenn Forney, “Lifelong Recreational Activities,” indoor recreational games, including cornhole, Kan Jam and washer toss – Penn Manor HS physical education.
- Joey Garrett, “Manufacturing and CNC Machining,” CNC router and tooling to expand STEM instruction on manufacturing processes – Penn Manor HS.
- Kim Garvey, “Community Building: Recognizing Students’ Home Communities,” flags of 25 countries of origin – Eshleman Elementary.
- Alisha Gerhart, “3D Printing Pens,” set of five 3D pens and filament – Pequea Elementary and Penn Manor HS.
- Lorien Gilbert, “Breakfast Book Club for Sixth Grade,” books for pleasure reading club that meets for breakfast – Hambright ES grade 6.
- Diane Glock-Cornman, “Learning to Do,” supplies for raising and showing animals at fairs – Penn Manor HS agricultural education department.
- Deb Goodhart, “Choosing Books,” books for students to read and create “book trailers” to entice other students to read them – Marticville Middle grade 7.
- Kathy Grenier, “Graphing Calculators in the Classroom,” replacement calculators – Penn Manor HS math department.
- Katie Harnish, “Building Bridges with Refugees and Immigrants,” project pairing students with refugees and immigrants in the community to share their stories via podcasts and VR tours – Hambright Elementary grade 5.
- Barbara Haverstick, “Nonfiction Enrichment,” sets of nonfiction books on refugee stories – Pequea Elementary grade 5.
- Dawn Janssen, “Heart Health,” blood pressure monitors and cuffs – Martic Elementary physical education classes.
- Andrew Johnson, “Penn Manor Marching Unit Battery Recharge,” bass, snare and tenor/quad drums – Penn Manor HS.
- Baron Jones, “Spoken Word Club,” 20 visits by artist in residence Ty Gant to promote teamwork and communication – Penn Manor High School.
- Connie Kinser, “Puppet Grant,” puppets to engage students in language arts lessons – Central Manor kindergarten.
- Kathy Kirk, “Equity and Diversity Classroom Library Makeover,“ books for reading library with more diverse content – Manor Middle grade 7.
- Angelika Koerner, “Culinary Culture,” hot plates and fire extinguishers for cooking ethnic foods – Penn Manor HS foreign language department.
- Doug Kramer, “Tangrams” math puzzles for use in the classroom – Penn Manor HS math department.
- Jennifer Kroesen, “Readathon” event to encourage reading among younger students – districtwide, grades kindergarten to 3.
- Maggie Kyper, “Kindergarten Boost Program,” materials for language arts enrichment – Hambright Elementary kindergarten.
- Wendy Letavic, “English Learners and Ballet,” trip to “Nutcracker” live performance – Penn Manor HS English Language Development students.
- Sara Masten, “Orchestral Percussion Project,” cymbals, mallets and sticks for orchestra students – Penn Manor High School.
- James McGlynn, “Spec-20 for STEM,” spectrophotometers and glassware for use by AP chemistry students – Penn Manor High School.
- Todd Mealy, “The Dialogic: A Student Produced Magazine” featuring AP seminar students’ scholarly writing and artwork – Penn Manor High School.
- Meagan Miller, “Sensory Pathways to More Learning,” hallway sensory path and playground activity circuit – Conestoga Elementary School.
- Emily O’Donnell, “Fifth Grade Guided Reading,” guided reading books of various genres and cultural references – Central Manor Elementary grade five.
- Brian Osmolinski, “Diffraction Lab and Beyond,” diffraction lab materials for physics and engineering students – Penn Manor High School.
- Brian Osmolinski, “CO2 Sequestration with Azolla,” materials to grow and test aqueous Azolla ferns in physics classes – Penn Manor High School.
- Melissa Ostrowski, “Career and Social/Emotional Supports,” career development programs and materials – districtwide.
- Carol Purzycki, “The Human Circuit,” sets of energy sticks for science experimentation – Central Manor Elementary grade 5.
- Skip Reddig, “Guitar Capo Grant,” set of capos for guitar classes – Penn Manor High School.
- Katharine Rodriguez, “Harriburg Field Trip,” tour of state Capitol building for Multicultural Club members – Penn Manor High School.
- Grace Sanna, “Alternative Desks,” standing and floor desks for students – Pequea Elementary grade 2.
- Matt Schuck, “Sensory Path,” floor stickers for emotional support students – Hambright Elementary School.
- Meagan Slates, “Vertical Growing Science Tower Garden Classroom Collaboration,” tower garden growing projects – High school ag and family and consumer science classes.
- Nadine Smith, “Multicultural Day,” food to prepare ethnic dishes for annual celebration – Penn Manor High School.
- Laura Stephan, “Window to the World, Mirror to My Classroom,” classroom library updates to reflect student diversity – Central Manor grade 3.
- Laura Stephan, “Playaways,” audio versions of chapter books to help student comprehension –Central Manor, grade 3.
- Lisa Suydam, “Rebuilding the Classroom Library,” updates to traditional literature and nonfiction classroom books – Letort Elementary grade 4.
- Jeffrey Taylor, “Audiobooks for English Course Content,” audiobooks for loan via the Internet to assist struggling students – Penn Manor HS library.
- Jeb Thompson, “Using Robotics to Enrich and Promote Learning in Elementary Classrooms,” sets of Lego WeDo robot kits – Martic Elementary grade 4.
- Tom Wainman Jr., “Learning with Legos,” sets of Legos and Magformers for use by learning support and emotional support students – Hambright Elementary.
- Emily Wise, “Fulton Opera House Field Trip” to see Little Mermaid – Central Manor grade 3.
- Mary Witteman, “Enrichment for All – Keystone Biology,” National Aquarium field trip – Penn Manor High School Biology/Chemistry Keystone classes.
- Jonathan Zimmerman, “Penn Manor High School Robotics Team,” materials to create robots for student competitions – High school grades 9-12.
2019 Strong & Healthy Grant Projects
- $5,000 to pay for uniforms, tools, equipment and supplies for disadvantaged students attending Lancaster County Career & Technology Center programs.
- $2,500 to help students with financial difficulties pay fees for college applications, SAT tests and advanced-placement tests.
- $1,000 to distribute free books to disadvantaged students in the Pheasant Ridge and Manor Heights neighborhoods and to support the Lancaster County Bookmobile.
- $1,000 to support the PM C.A.R.E.S., which provides household essentials to families in need.
- $1,850 for counseling programs for at-risk students.
- $2,000 to support the Teen Hope depression screening program.
- $760 to provide graduation caps and gowns to needy students.
Read more here.
2018 Venture Grant Projects
- Tamara Baker, “Support for the Garden Club at Conestoga” hands-on gardening lessons – Conestoga ES grades 4-5.
- Christina Beard, “Reinforcing Social Skills Using Children’s Literature” – elementary special-education students, districtwide.
- Jon Bittenbender, “Gettysburg National Military Park Field Trip” – Manor MS, grade 8.
- Stacey Brinkman, “Math, Sports, and Beyond!” math enrichment materials – Central Manor ES, grade 6.
- Michelle Brooks, “Flexible Seating and Classroom Library” books, yoga mats, inflatable chairs and camp chairs – Conestoga ES grade 2.
- Ashley Brubaker, “It’s All About the Bass!” half-size bass – Hambright ES, grades 4-6.
- Lauren Ciemiewicz, “All that jazz … Continued!” music, microphones and stands – Penn Manor HS music classes.
- Jennifer Ennis, “Cricut Creations – Promoting Positivity” equipment to create positive message vinyl displays – Manor MS
- Kara Eshleman, “STEM Activities for Third Grade” – Pequea ES
- Neil Fellenbaum, “UAVs for Agriculture” drone for use in Penn Manor HS agricultural education classes.
- Holly Fiorillo, “Young Adult Literature Paired with Classic Literature” young adult book club resources – Penn Manor HS.
- Shelby Foster, “Google Expeditions Kit” for creating/viewing virtual and augmented reality projects – districtwide.
- Angela Galgon, “Elizabeth Zunon, Author and Illustrator” artist in residence – Manor MS.
- Kimberly Garvey, “Classroom Flexible Seating” – Eshleman ES grade 3.
- Lorien Gilbert, “Sign Language Teaching Club” – Hambright ES grades 5-6.
- Kathy Grenier, “Project Graphing Calculator” – Penn Manor HS math department.
- Danielle Gwyn, “Classroom Library Update” – Letort ES grade 4.
- Sue Hamer, “Quarter-Size Bass” – Pequea ES grades 1-6.
- Jessica Hoke, “Whiteboard Clipboards for Student Use” – Hambright ES grade 2.
- Katherine Houck, “Books for our Spanish Speaking Population” – district middle schools.
- Andrew Johnson, “Cast in Bronze – Zildjian Cymbals” – HS music department.
- Maureen Klingaman, “Spanish I Easy Readers” – HS foreign language department.
- Angelika Koerner, “French and German Voluntary Reading Library” – HS foreign language department.
- Jennifer Kroesen, “Readathon” – districtwide, grades kindergarten to 3.
- Shelly Kyle, “Planetariums” – Central Manor ES, grade 2.
- Wendy Letavic, “Nutcracker Ballet and Lunch” – HS English Language Development students.
- Gary Luft, “Lego Time” – Lego sets for HS homeroom.
- Katherine Lutz, “Flexible Seating for 21st Century Learning” – Hambright ES grade 5.
- Sara Masten, “Making Memories” videography equipment – HS music department.
- Erika McLaughlin, “STEM Kits in the Science Classroom” – Marticville MS grade 7.
- Melissa Mealy, “Resident Therapy Dog” – Hambright ES.
- Melissa Mintzer, “Artist in Residence Elaine Bromka” – HS theater department.
- Elizabeth Muehlbach, “High-Interest Young Adult Books for Struggling Readers” – Manor MS grade 8.
- Nancy Nadig, “Graphic Novels for the Library” – Manor and Marticville ES.
- Brian Osmolinski, “Taking Physics to New Heights” drone for science studies/experiments – HS science grades 10-12.
- Melissa Ostrowski, “Supporting Student Social Emotional Growth and Wellness” counseling programs – districtwide.
- Brittany Patterson, “Museum of the American Revolution Field Trip” – Marticville MS grade 8.
- Beth Reburn, “Standing Desks for Learning Support Students” – Penn Manor HS grades 9-12.
- Casie Saxton, “Guided Reading Materials” – Central Manor ES kindergarten and 1st grade.
- Laura Stephan, “Movement Matters” wobble stools – Central Manor grade 3.
- Jeffrey Taylor, “Spanish Language Books” – Penn Manor HS library.
- Johanna Treier, “Fulton Show and Virtual Tour Project,” students will see a show and create a virtual reality tour of theater experience – Central Manor ES grade 3.
- Katelyn Trostle, “Breakout EDU Kits” – Martic ES grade 3.
- Beth Wagner, “Exercising Children’s Brains” fitness/drumming workout – Hambright ES, grade 6.
- Kaca Wee, “Kuman 3D Printing Pen Creativity Cell Project” – HS grade 10.
- Jonathan Zimmerman, “Penn Manor High School Robotics Club and Competition Team” materials – HS grades 9-12.
More than $15,000 in Strong Grants were awarded in 2019 to improve opportunities for Penn Manor students and their families. The projects include:
- $5,000 to pay for uniforms, tools, equipment and supplies for disadvantaged students attending Lancaster County Career & Technology Center programs.
- $2,500 to help students with financial difficulties pay fees for college applications, SAT tests and advanced-placement tests.
- $1,000 to distribute free books to disadvantaged students in the Pheasant Ridge and Manor Heights neighborhoods and to support the Lancaster County Bookmobile.
- $1,000 to support the PM C.A.R.E.S., which provides household essentials to families in need.
- $1,850 for counseling programs for at-risk students.
- $2,000 to support the Teen Hope depression screening program.
- $760 to provide graduation caps and gowns to needy students.
Read more here.
Below is a listing of awarded venture grants from previous years in PDF format.
Fall 2017 Venture Grants
Fall 2016 Venture Grants
Spring 2015 Venture Grants
Fall 2014 Venture Grants
Spring 2014
Fall 2013
February 2013
October 2012
February 2012
October 2011
February 2011
October 2010
February 2010
October 2009
February 2009
October 2008
February 2008
October 2007
January 2007
October 2006
Venture Grants are supported by:
Alumni groups
Area businesses
Caring individuals
Community civic and service organizations
Planned giving
School district staff
Other charitable foundations
Penn Manor Education Foundation also has funded the following projects and many more:
- Penn Manor Districtwide Readathon
- Parent Resource Centers at several elementary schools.
- Artist-in-Residence (authors, performers).
- Hands-on study of marine life and aquatic vegetation.
- Purchase of elementary school musical instruments.
- Purchase of the latest technology at all academic levels.
- Equipment for the Penn Manor High School TV station