9th Annual PMEF Golf Scramble info and sign-up

On behalf of the Penn Manor Education Foundation, thank you for your past support of our Charity Golf Scramble.  Tuesday, June 16th is the date set for this year’s event at Meadia Heights Country Club.  PMEF, on average, administers $60,000 a year in student scholarships and $40,000 a year in teacher venture grants thanks in no small part to all of you who continue to support our mission of providing opportunities to PM students.  We thank you for that.

We are hoping we can once again count on you for your support of this year’s outing.  Here is the link to print a registration brochure  https://pennmanoredfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/PMEF-Golf-2015.pdf.   If you prefer, I will mail you a hard copy.  Just let me know by replying to this e-mail: pkline38@comcast.net

Thank you again for supporting our Penn Manor students and community.


Pat Kline
PMEF board member

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